Fresh Markets

The Fresh Market Twice Baked Potato on the Grill

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The Fresh Market Twice Baked Potato on the Grill


  • The Fresh Market Twice Baked Potatoes


Open the bottom vent of a charcoal grill completely. Light a charcoal chimney starter filled with lump charcoal. When charcoal is covered with gray ash, pour them onto the bottom grate of the grill and spread into an even layer. Place the grate over the grill and coat lightly with oil. Cover and preheat the grill to medium heat (350°F to 400°F), about 10 minutes, adjusting the vent as needed to control the temperature.

While the grill is preheating, cut two 10-inch square pieces of aluminum foil and parchment. Place one piece of parchment over each piece of foil. Place one The Fresh Market Loaded Twice Baked Potato over each piece of parchment; starting at the long sides, fold the foil up and loosely crimp the ends together over the potato, trying to keep the top of the packet from touching the top of the potato. Place potatoes on the hot grill, cover and cook until heated through, about 15 minutes. Carefully pull apart foil to serve.