Fresh Markets

Spicy Harissa Aioli Artichokes

30-40 minutesServes 2-4
Spicy Harissa Aioli Artichokes


  • 2 fresh whole artichokes
  • 2 lemons
  • 1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 c good quality mayonnaise
  • 1-2 tsp Harissa seasoning to taste
  • Salt & Pepper to taste


Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Thinly slice 1/2 of one lemon crosswise and add the lemon wheels to the pot of water along with a generous pinch of salt.

Meanwhile, use sharp kitchen scissors to trim the pointy thorns off all of the artichokes petals.

For a clean top and bottom, use a sharp knife to trim off the top 3/4” of the artichoke and 1/4” of the lower stem.

From tip to stem, slice the artichoke in half lengthwise. Use a spoon to scrape out and remove the fuzzy interior center choke.

Place the 4 halves in the boiling water. Reduce the heat and simmer 10-15 minutes until the center heart is tender to the touch of a fork or pairing knife.

Remove from water and blitz with juice from remaining half of lemon.

Place flat side down on a cooling rack and let the water drain off. Drizzle all sides with olive oil.

For great color and texture, grill, broil or air fry just before serving. If air frying, place in the basket and air fry at 400* for about 7 minutes or until a nice color and texture has started to form on the leaf tips and interior.

For the dipping sauce, in a small bowl whisk together mayonnaise, harissa, lemon zest and juice from half of a lemon. Taste. Add more lemon juice, harissa, salt & pepper to taste.

Serve the dipping sauce in the artichoke heart center.

Recipe developed by Chef Anna Rossi

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