Fresh Markets

Chef Anna Rossi's Clerico

10 minutesServes 6
Chef Anna Rossi's Clerico


  • 2 bottles dry white wine
  • ¼ c simple syrup
  • 2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
  • 3 peaches
  • 1 c sliced strawberries
  • 1 kiwi
  • 1 c red grapes
  • 1 banana
  • Club soda
  • Ice


Combine wine, syrup, lemon juice, peaches, strawberries, grapes and banana in a large pitcher and stir gently. Chill at least 6 hours or for up to 24 hours. To serve, pour 6 ounces over ice and top with chilled club soda.

Recipe developed by Chef Anna Rossi @annarossiofficial

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